Commander Vladimir Kornoff is in charge of the Operation Red Star, the emergency defence procedure only to be performed if Russia was under the threat of supernatural hostiles. Right now his jeep is on the way to the front line with new orders.
“They’re getting closer....almost on top of us....HURRY!!!!!!!” Distressed voices echoed from the radio, reporting the grim events in progress at the front line.
“Do not worry comrade. We are not five minutes away. Sit tight!” replied Vladimir. He cut the connection.
Two miles away the battle on the front line was raging. The Faceless Ones advanced relentlessly despite the fact that bombs, mortars and bullets rained down on them. After one was killed another ten would take its place.
The Russians had the support of the U.S, China, Japan, England, and many other U.N countries. Countless projectiles fell, targeting not only the Faceless Ones, but also the path they would be taking. The allied forces knew the weaknesses of the invaders, and made use of them all, but the relentless hordes didn’t seem to diminish at all. The scene was amazing. Bullets flew like locusts, bombs fell like rain, planes streaked across the sky by the thousands...yet....they were getting through. Suddenly a roar as loud as a bomb ripped through the battlefield and a tank was thrown into the air. And then finally one the bigger Faceless Ones fell. A squad of stealth bombers streaked overhead outrunning bullets and going straight towards the injured Faceless One. Right before the bombers zoomed past the invader, one white dot followed closely by more black ones descended onto the Faceless One, but they weren't bombs. It was the White Cleaver and his squad of cleavers. They landed on the the Faceless one, with loud thuds, and began to hack at its head and major veins with their high tech, steel reinforced, radioactive, long handled, maximum power diamond scythes.
The Faceless One Screamed in agony as the cleavers hacked into him relentlessly, dark matter poured out of him in streams. Slowly, he was dying and he knew it. He screamed one last time and then imploded littering the battlefield with the dark matter they have in them. The second Faceless one let out a roar so loud it flipped a tank on its side. And then it disappeared. The battlefield went silent the only sounds were the moans of pain and anguish coming from the wounded and lost...
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